[Restaurant Review] Buttermilk Fine Waffles (Calgary)

Yes, I can breathe again. I’ve conquered the cold with lingering coughs here and there. I’m going hiking again this weekend, it better not kill my body. I’ve been using this food ordering app called MealPal and registered when there was an insane deal ($3.50 lunches for 12 meals). I’m trying to finish it now,…

[Restaurant Review] Monki (Calgary)

One of our close friends celebrated his daughter’s 100th day birthday. It’s a thing for Chinese people, instead of doing a baby shower, we celebrate on the kid’s 100th day since birth. Typically, this is held outside at a restaurant. He invited over 100 guests, mostly family and this was done at a Chinese buffet…

The year of 2016

For those who have been with me from the start, this blog was created in 2013 (January 23 to be exact). I want to celebrate the blog’s 3rd year and welcome all the newbies who have landed here. So many things have changed since 3 years ago, it makes one wonder how dynamic human beings…

[Review] BeaverTails

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have safely arrived in Toronto and feeling like a fucking KING.  I’m so happy to be back and have spent everyday fully with my one and only boyfriend.  For those who have been visiting my blog, I apologize for not updating the posts.  Honestly I started this…

[Review] Calgary Stampede 2013

Not sure if I want to make this a short or long post lols.  As the whole world knows, floods have hit Calgary and people were evacuated to neighbouring towns/hotels in the North.  The stampede was not cancelled and on the day I arrived, it was PACKED!  Our vacation plans did not change and we…

Waiting for a free lunch

A lot of people will hammer the fact that “There’s no such thing as free lunch” literally and expressively.  When someone comes up to you offering something that is unbelievably good FOR FREE, you gotta do a second take to see what this person is up to.  But in this world, there are people out…

[Restaurant Review] All Happy Family Restaurant

So I’ve been to Edmonton TWICE this weekend, once for a course and this time for fun.  I thought I should start reviewing these restaurants because I’ve been to so many lols.  First of all, Edmonton has its own Chinatown and like most asian mini villages they are ghetto as hell.  I wouldn’t recommend you…

World’s Largest Dinosaur

I’m beginning to think that I’m addicted to visiting places that are known as “the largest”…etc.  However, I’m going to be frank and tell you that out of the 2 places I have gone in the past month, they have all been disappointing lols.  In Alberta, Canada most people associate the hot spots to be…

[Travels] Banff

Where the hell did I go the last 4-5 days?  Well folks, I traveled all the way to Calgary (6 hour drive) and stayed there for Easter weekend!  I don’t really know where to start but I thought we could talk about Banff. Where is it? Banff is approximately 1.5 hours west from Calgary (driving…